
Again there were two that I remember from this morning, which was a short 7am-12pm sleep.

What I believe was the first dream started out with me walking down the hallway in the back of Pinetree. Serena and Vikki were there in the back room along with some other people who I didn't notice but felt I knew. The only person who wasn't originally there was my friend Franco from high school; he was the 'new' guy and look surprised to see me.

They were all in the back break room talking when I came in, I said something ot Serena and she went back to the bar area to grab a glass of water. She came rushing back and threw it at me, the force of it knocked me down on my knees, but we were all laughing. She came back to throw another and it knocked my glasses off and onto the ground. Franco picked them up as I groped on the ground for them, even though I could see where they were: I wanted him to pick them up for me. He held them out close to my face and I said thanks. That was about all from that one.

The second part I'm in a city driving home. Its not night time, but its dark out the roards are kinda weird where they change directions depending on the time and the sign on the lights. I'm coming up to a 4 way curve that goes past traffic that's stopped at a light. They're facing us, but they're not supposed to be going straight, only left or right so its no big deal. There's some guy next to me speeding but I notice the speed limit is pretty high so I get in line with it. We come to the 4 lane turn, which is gradual nothing out of the ordinary. The oncoming traffic starts moving though coming straight at us. We're turning and I notice the cars coming at me so I try to avoid them and end up hitting some kind of concrete block. My field of view zooms out to 3rd person and its like I'm looking at a computer screen watching my car spin in the air and explode showing a health bar going down to zero, but then it fills back up and I am outside the car with a bunch of policemen and beaurecrats.

There's something about either the car or the light system that they're trying to cover up, I think its the light system. They're trying to say nothing faulty happend, although I know that the traffic lights were supposed to say my traffic is allowed, but they also told the other traffic to go, thus causing the accident. These people were trying to say they did no such thing. Somehow I had a way to prove them wrong and was calling news agencies with the video from my eyes, showing that the signs were indeed incorrect telling who to go where. Nothing past that and I woke up.


Tonight was pretty different. I started out on top of a skyscraper with some sort of resistance group towards an invasion. It didn't seem like a full scale alien invasion or anything, but the thing we were fighting definitely wasn't human.

The skyscraper I was on was high above the cityscape and there were at least a dozen exactly like it all throughout the city. Each one had a group of people like us that I could see, they all had green colored rooftop things, kinda of like the Empire State Building and the top cap was colored. All of them were green except one where the cap was painted white.

I was informed that the one painted white would be sacrificed to placate something, probably what we were going to fight. As I watched the people on top of the white capped tower began to vanish as white light began to take them away. It was like the breeze turned them into white particles and they just diminished, turning into a bunch of white particles that glowed. They moved parallel to the earth for a short time after everyone was gone like a little river coming off the top of the tower before vanishing.

Everyone was pretty solem and upset, giving us more reason to get ready for our attack.

Next we were someplace else where the invader thing was, maybe a ship but I never knew for sure. We could teleport there, I was with close friends; yet we were all in trouble. It was a battle in this area, it was like the inside of a warehouse, the colors were brown and rusted but nothing I could remember. Everyone was running around screaming as these little creatures attacked them.

They came in twos and there was blood everywhere. The creatures would attack you, sending what looked like an intenstine down into your body and it would take out a vital organ. The organ would then be attached to the creature where it would keep the organ alive with blood and the cord attached to your body would be attached to the organ keeping you alive, but the creature had fulll control over you; able to destroy the organ at any time.

We teleported out and regrouped, those of us that were able to. The perspective of the dream changed to another person, or me in another place I'm not sure. I was someone who had gone up against this thing we were fighting, it was pretty humanoid but larger than a human. It was rather bug like, kind of like a beetle with two pincers on its head but still stood up on two legs. It took the person I was seeing through and stood him on its head slowly crushing him in the pincers and the mouth that was on its head. It was walking through a hallway while doing this, telling me or the person it was eating how it would kill us all.

Then I was back with the group arguing what to do next. There was someone who wanted to sacrifice themselves for some suicide mission. He was someone close to me, but not anyone that I really know but I remember the feeling of dread. I wanted to talk him out of it, not let him go. There was some teleporter he was going to use to go back and try to finish this once and for all.

That's all I can remember for now.


Another dual dreams tonight, but this is the day after that I'm recording it so they're a bit fuzzy.

What I believe was the first, because it woke me up with that nasty falling feeling was some kind of fleeing dream again. I was in a huge building, a skyscraper, where there was some evil thing coming out of the basement. It wasn't tangable and the perspective was from a 3rd person, I could see things away from my body happening.

It was coming from the basement of the scraper moving up in this wave little by little, it was viewable, whenever an area was affected by it it would turn, much like nightmare mode in Silent Hill. I was trying to get everyone out of the building while figuring out wtf to do, there was some team with me.

Somehow we got to the top of another building and were going down by whatever its called off the side. The action where you are harnessed and then repel off the side of the building, except this building was another skyscraper and it was in the shape of a rectangle with a vertical hole in the middle so it was a straight way down.

Whowever was lowering the cord next to me let it slip, it had the people from Ghost in the Shell on it, the Major jumped up and realigned the cord. I was way too scared to get on, I woke up with that scared feeling of falling.

Next dream took place in what I think was Nick's house, although it looked nothing like his and no one in there looked like anyone I knew. It was an immense house with several rooms, very mazelike. Rooms had no doors they were just hallway like enterances which acted like seperators. I remember going into his room looking for him.

There were a lot of people in the house, an older female "mom" figure who wasn't really that old. Several guys my age, maybe girls but I don't remember any. I was searching for a long time, looking for him. I encountered a lot of people, talked to them about what I'm not sure and kept going on. At some point I came to the kitchen and ate with the mother figure and talked with her at some length.

I went back to his room where he was. It was dark but there was soft blue light like moonlight making things visible, probably a computer monitor. There were no windows outside anywhere in the house that I can remember. The room was comfortable, but I was scared...I didn't know how he would react to seeing me.

I don't remember how things happend just the feelings of sorrow and anger, probably yelling and crying on both parts. The last thing that stayed with me after I woke up was us together in bed cuddling and crying. The dream was great because of the feeling I had when I was with him, but remembering how it was and how it wasn't good enough made it a nightmare when I was awake.


There were 2 dreams that I remembered this night when I woke up. It's almost 24 hours after and I can't remember the 2nd part.

The first part stuck with me, it was really vivid.

I was walking along a river or marshy area will tall grass. The river was calm, blackish-blue water, overcast and drizzling, but I didn't really care about the rain nor seem to notice it. It was pretty beautiful, downcast and drizzing with the ankle-high grass.

There was a feeling that there were cars or a road nearby as I could hear them or felt like I could.

I sat down near the water to read, a few yards away. After awhile I was reading and enjoying myself. Awhile passed and I noticed what seemed like a wave moving toward me it was thin like a ball was under the water's surface. Eventually the displacement died. A few minutes later I heard another one, but this time it moved and came up to the bank and stayed there.

Out came a relatively small green alligator/crocodile (idk the difference), by small I mean a little smaller than myself but big enough that it was surprising and worrysome.

I put down the book, the animal was eyeing me so I said hi to him (or her) and slowly began to move away. I got up onto my knees and began to turn around. Then I noticed there were at least 5 others behind me, starting to pile up on each other as they eyed me.

I didn't know what to do, the left and right of me didn't seem viable options, they were spreading out around me. They were all dark green, perfect and their eyes were interested, almost like they were smiling at how cunning they were to catch me.

I didn't get to be eaten, as the foremost lunged at me from the group I had turned around to find behind me the dream ended.

The next dream was around with me after I woke up but I can't recall it now.


Tonight was a very odd dream.

The parts I remember are fragmented; first I was in a huge house what I think was supposed to be grandma and grandpa Atwell's house only on a huge scale.

I was on a couch with Shannon M. or Ruth S. I can't remember which but I think it was Shannon. We were holding hands and crying about something, I think about our lost loves or failures at it.

There was some point when we went to take our dog to the restroom, who could talk and sit and use the toilet apparently. Then some guy came in and started shitting really loudly and the sound went through the entire house.

We left the bathroom and went back to the couch, but on the way I went to the kitchen, which was a weird hallway like kitchen, long and narrow. There were stovetops but that was about it and I had my teapot going and some other things and had apparently forgotten to turn them off so they were burnt and blackened pots.

The walls were on fire and so was one of the hoods of the stove. I pulled the fire extinguisher down and started to try to put out the flames but it was small and the fires were spreading spontaneously all over the area. I heard someone upstairs pounding on the floor or a door, for help I assumed, but the stairwell leading up to the door was on fire and blocked. I had a sick feeling in my stomach that it was my grandma up in that room and there was nothing I could do so I ran to get all the other people out of the house.

I went back to the couch room area where there was no fire or smoke or any sign of panic at all and told them to get out of the house as it was on fire.

There was more to the dream, but I'm not able to recall the rest and some parts I think occurred after I had woken up and I just put them there so I won't write about those.


I didn’t recall this dream until much later in the day when I was walking down the road in Berlin and saw a spider’s web, which then prompted me to recall a certain portion of the dream which isn’t the full thing because two Spanish girls kept waking me up during the night at the Hostel. I remember in the dream there was a spiders web in a crevice which I thought was just a cobweb but then had the horrific realization that there was a spider inside (a medium sized black one) and there was an egg sack which was a bright orange (which is what I had noticed first) and the spiderlings inside were attempting to free themselves from the sac, you could see them pushing against the elastic egg sac. There was some reason I was cleaning the basement or walking around somewhere with another person when I was in this dream, but I only recall clearly the spider web which when I was walking down the street the recessed window on ground level was similar to how the one in my dream looked which is most likely why the dream struck me.


in Germany...

This night was a sex dream, probably cause on this trip I haven’t been able to masturbate for 8 days now, much longer than I am usually used to. From what I recall I am in this basement bar, I’m not sure if it’s a restaurant or just someone’s bar, but the bartender is really hot and keeps asking me to fuck him when we are cleaning up around the bar area. For some reason I tell him later on, cause people can come in and out of the establishment and I don’t want to get caught. I remember where we do have sex though is in a bathroom, one that is open and there are no people yet there seems to be the feeling that someone could walk by at any moment. Then the dream jumps to a large party and this open mansion, it is in the shape of a large rectangle with an open rectangular area in the middle for a grassy area/garden. There are people everywhere in this place, there is a huge buffet, sleeping areas and drinking all around. I know this larger guy, but he is pretending to be a girl. A bunch of us are helping him cut his hair, removing his female body suit, dressing him in male clothes, or maybe it was the other way around I can’t remember correctly. What I do remember is that as he/she progressed through this change I kept thinking to myself how he became less desirable and attractive. I think it was the same hot guy from the bar (who was a little hefty, but hot like the Thomas guy from the random party in Marburg).


is so that my Dream Record can be digitalized in case my computer dies with the document on it or I lose the papers from high school with the dreams written on them.